Facebook Takeover Monday!
Hi Friends!
There will be a signed copy giveaway, teasers from Cupcakes and Ink and Clipped Wings! Throughout the day you’ll find an exclusive Clipped Wings outtake AND and exclusive excerpt from Inked Armor, as well as twenty question with Hayden and me (not nearly as exciting as 20 questions with Hayden, I know).
You can join us on Monday at The SUBClub Books Facebook Page!
In the meantime, if you’d like, you can check out my Helena Hunting Facebook Page where I get all sappy over the blog tour, among other things.
Happy Weekend!
Assemblage of Books
The Autumn Review (teaser)
Bewitched Bookworms
Books and Coffee
El Blog del Gato
Fandemonium Network
Fangs Wands & Fairy Dust
Flirty & Dirty Book Blog
Lazy Book Lovers
Literary Cravings
Lovin’ los libros
Made for you Book Reviews
Exclusive Excerpt!!!
Hi there friends! We’re at SIX days and counting down until the release of Clipped Wings!
If you’re not connected with me through twitter or Facebook then you might have missed the HOT Exclusive Excerpt from Clipped Wings, as well as the giveaway for signed copies of the book! The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL, so that means even the Canadian’s can get on board! YAY!
The lovely and always entertaining ladies from The Rock Stars of Romance, Flirty & Dirty Book Blog and THE SUBClub Books have been awesome enough to share the excerpt in three parts. Follow the links below to read the excerpt (WARNING: not safe to read at work if your office doesn’t have a door):
The Rock Stars of Romance: Excerpt One
Flirty & Dirty Book Blog: Excerpt Two
THE SUBClub Books: Excerpt Three
Happy reading!
Memories in Ink-A Short Story
Over a year ago I wrote a piece called Memories in Ink. A close friend of mine had just been diagnosed with cancer, so when the request to contribute to a compilation supporting that very cause, I was happy to add a piece to what was an amazing collection of stories in support of a very important member of the fandom, for a disease that impacts so many of our lives.
Mariahajile and Alex, thank you for helping me pretty this up. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Bornonhalloween thank you for all your work on this very lovely banner. You’re amazing 🙂
*Should you prefer to read this on a white back ground you can follow the link here to Wattpad:
Memories in Ink
OR should you prefer to take a trip down memory lane, you can read it on ffn:
Memories in Ink