No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. Although, I realize I haven’t posted anything in the better part of a year, so it’s easy to understand why that might have been the common assumption. During that time I’ve been working on original fiction in my genre of choice and I have a second draft completed. Editing seems to be an endless practice, and I’m currently in the throes of yet another revision, polishing the story to make it shiny and presentable before I begin the process of querying. One thing I’ve learned is that I could revise the story a million times and still find things to change each time.
Some of you may want to know if I’m working on Clipped Wings or Misapprehension. The short answer to that is no. Although I would like to conquer a rewrite of the beast that is CW&IA at some point, I’m all about finishing one project before moving onto another. That story needs some serious surgery, and right now I lack the time necessary to perform such an in depth operation.
To the readers who have continued to make contact during the past year to check up on me, or who have followed my banal twitter feed; thank you for your endless support and encouragement. You have helped inspire me to push forward when the solitary process of editing and rewriting seemed an insurmountable task.
I hope that some time in the future I will be able to tell you I have a novel ready for release. Until then, I’ve written an article for Fictionista Workshop on Keeping the Flow. I have article scheduled for posting later this month. If you’re interested in learning more about the writing process, check out some of the informative articles posted in Fictionista’s Writer’s Toolbox.
From here on out, this will be the place where I provide updates on my writing progress and process.
Thank you for your continued support on the lonely and sometimes pothole riddled road of writing.
Helena Hunting (H. Hunting)
Yay! So happy to see you have a website again, I missed the old one. Kassiah did a great job, this is beautiful. The article on flow was great, I enjoyed reading it. I liked this: "Stories are rivers of words; sometimes the current is soft and gentle and the ride is sweet. Other times, the current is quick and tumultuous and the journey is anything but pleasant." Very nice imagery and that perfectly describes reading something that you get lost in. I'm looking forward to whatever you might post here, and definitely to your book, whenever those rewrites decide to be done. 🙂
I'm glad your back. I look forward to any work that you may present in the future.
Welcome back!
I´m really happy to see you again!
Helena, thanks for giving everyone the opportunity to see where you are and what you've been up to. I know your passion is now original fiction and I look forward to reading it someday soon, but I just have to ask for the many of us still wondering…will you ever repost your fanfiction stories? I'm sure you get that question every day, but we're still dying to know!
I look forward to whatever you may write (I think I've said many times that I would read the back of cereal boxes if you wrote them!) and to whatever you may decide to grace us with!
And Kassiah did an awesome job with the site too! XO!
Yea!!! I love your writing and look forward to reading more from you!! Good luck on the novel and thanks for keeping your fans updated. 🙂
So glad that you're back! I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering if you'd ever publish something original. I hope you succeed, because I'd buy anything by you, no kidding. Not to mention it would be such a relief to have a truly deserving author receive great fortune and fame. And I think that's all I'll say about THAT. 😉
Happy to see you back, HH! Sorry that it has felt so lonely. I, for one, hoped that you took the amount of space and time that you needed, knowing that when you got back to writing, the wait would be worth it. :)Looking forward to hearing about your future work.
Oh my Gosh – I have missed you so very much and have wished and wished and prayed that CW&IA would have been fiftyshadesofgrey instead since CW&IA is sosososososo much better!!!!!! MIss you!!!! Aly E
Greatest birthday present ever! Welcome back ma'am. Seriously looking forward to any new work from you. Your 2 ff's that I read were amazing, so I know your origanal fiction will be just as captavating.
I was sooooo happy to see an email from your blog! Gah! I will definitely be buying ANY books you may be writing…probably in both e-book and "real" book form! You have such an amazing story-telling gift and I know that I'll devour anything you write! And…omg! A CW&IA rewrite? I know you said that's a ways off…but WOW! I've read MANY books and fics and NONE have ever come close to that one. I'll read it whether you post it here as fanfiction or if you change it up and have it published. It's the most beautiful emotional story. Everything I've read of yours moves me though…sometimes to laughter, sometimes to tears, and sometimes to red-hot anger. You have a way with words that takes the reader out of their own lives and drops them into whatever world you've created. Out of every author that's been published after beginning with fanfiction, YOU have been the writer I've been looking forward to the most.
I can't wait to see your books on shelves!
Welcome back! Looking forward to reading ANYTHING you write!!
Mint x
I'm so happy to hear from you!!!! I just literally finnished all 600 pages of CW&IA for the 3 time!!! I can't wait to see what your novel is like!!!
Looking forward to stalking you on teh web. Best of luck on your OF!
It's such great news! Any book you publish, girl, I will buy. It was probably in 2010 when I discovered CW&IA. And even until now, every book I come across I will compare to CW&IA. And none so far has even come close to surpassing it!
I'm very happy ur alive and well!! Lol I can't wait to read all that u have been writing!! Keep us updated! Missed u!!!!!
Yeah! I look forward to reading anything you write 😉
I was so excited to get an email alert about your newest blog update. I'm looking forward to the updates on your newest writing venture!
I absolutely fell in love with CW&IA and have no doubt the same will be said for your next work.
All the best with your original fic!!
Missed you very much. You've always been my favorite. I'm glad you're ok, that's what is important. I hope you achieve your dreams and I hope to read more of your awesomeness in the future. Love myra
So happy to see an alert from you, it has been a long time but just as excited as always to hear something from you <3
I would follow you through Hell and back missy – your talent is one in a million. Keep on pushing on the book, I know once it hits the shelves I will be saying I knew her when she wrote FF.
I love you and miss you!
Really nice to see you back! 🙂 Looking forward to hearing more from you and your progress!
Good for you! I cant wait to read your novel. I'm sure it;ll be fabulous.
When I saw the email from you I got so happy! I can not wait to see what you have been working on! You where the first fanficition I read & still rave about your stories! My friends wish they could read them and I always tell them when you are ready to share them again you will. Super excited to have you back 😀
I agree with Traci Snow. CW&IA is on my top 5 all-time favorite reads list. When I read something new, I too compare it to CW&IA and other stories are weighed in the balance and found wanting. I read 50 Shades back in the day and when I saw it on the best seller's list I was really irritated that CW&IA hadn't been published because I thought it was so much more deserving! Everyone who tells me they love 50 Shades I tell them they'll love CW&IA even more. I hope you don't find it too overwhelming to work on it again. If I can help you in any way, I would love to. I will buy whatever you write, published or unpublished. Just tell me when/where to go to get my fix! Good luck, and I can't wait to see where we go from here!
Well, like everyone else above me…. I'm extremely excited to see that you are doing okay. Sorry to hear that you felt so lonely, but honestly… real life has a tendency to do that to us every once in a while.
It's funny how some people cross your path in life and whether you know them in real life or not, and whether you've spoken to them personally or not, something about them touched you. Your writing touched me to my very core. I'm very excited to hear about you writing your own novel. The way you put your imagination into words that are so intense and understanding is nothing less than AMAZING. And what a WONDERFUL gift for you to share with others.
Please keep us updated on your writing, I would be honored to buy and read a novel YOU wrote.
Is this Kassiah's blog? LOL! Came by to say thanks for your kind comment and follow! Lovely post here. Great blog! 😀